Thanks for Jared for this batch (he is on the Littlelight Meetup, not FB). He always does such a great job
Some great photos that Jared posted on the Littlelight Ceremonies Meetup site..
I would like to announce that several amazing people have stepped forward to help Rilla, Tiffany Ann and myself host the Turtle Spirit Jams. We are the Turtle Feet! Much better than a ‘committee’ right?
They are Kevin Haggerty, Stefanie Warren and Jacquie Hansen. Thank you SOOO MUCH!! All of these people have made...
Gorgeous photos added from Clay. Quite the photographer!
Got enough money to pay the Littlelight Ceremonies Meetup fee. Thank you, community!!
Picking up Tiffany Ann the train station
I want to let everyone know that in order to keep Turtle Spirit Jam going at the level that we have in the last year I am going to need your awesome, continued support.
My personal life has, well, ..I guess I should say that outside of my day job and my shamanic teaching and practice, and community organizing, I n...
Hey Turtles! We will be having one more Spirit Jam at the dojo before we are outside for the rest of the season! I will post the schedule when I have it together but here is what makes sense now...
- June: Fingers still crossed for Tiffany Ann to come out from Spokane and lead our Spirit of the Forest aka Green Man...
For those that feel the urge to give some love to our ceremony grounds, Golden Gardens on Saturday.
IMPORTANT: Please sign up at the official event page so the Parks organizer knows how many tools to bring!
And the next Turtle Spirit Jam host will be... dum, dum, dum... Stefanie Warren!! woo woo!! stay tuned for her marvelous theme!!
Awaken the Light - Feb 2014
Awaken the Light - Feb 2014
Don't forget the Turtle Spirit Jam, THIS weekend! Awaken the Light- Saturday at 7pm at Embrace the Moon in Ballard. PM Bryan if you can help with setup, cleanup or other tasks.
Turtle Spirit Jam
Feb 1, 7pm
Embrace The Moon in Ballard
"Awaken the Light"
Intention: to kindle the spark of light within us.
After a long slumber, the Sun is beginning to awaken again! As the days grow longer and warmer, the whole of life looks longingly towards the rebirth of Spring! Let us bring toge...
Ooooo!!!!! Can't wait for this deliciousness comin' up! Come! Come! Come! Come!
oh yeah!! How DO we get that Fred Astaire to come to Turtle Spirit Jam? He be silly creature!
January 2014: Celebration of LIght