As you can see in the post below, there will no longer be Turtle Spirit Jams, as the spirit of Turtle has swum off. If you would like to use our templates to start your own sacred music circle, you are very welcome to use them from the link here.
If you want to be included in other, future public ceremonies, you c...
....but ... doesn't it just look like a drum? :)
Credit: from Discworld, a comic fantasy book series written by the English writer Terry Pratchett, set on the fictional Discworld, a flat disc balanced on the backs of four elephants which, in turn, stand on the back of a giant turtle.
SUPER CHEAP DRUMS FOR SALE: FORWARDED from the Seattle Drum Jam Yahoo List.
Drums for Drum Circle Facilitators and Drum Teachers
Mon Apr 18, 2016 2:55 pm (PDT) . Posted by: edubious4
For the past 3 years the Seattle Drum Cache has been a community resource for affordable, short-term hand drum and percussion rental...
If you are on Netflix, this is an AMAZING short about a grumpy turtle mountain lord who knows what he/she's doing. You want episode 10.
There are tree huggers and there are sea turtle kissers.. :)
Does anyone know who this amazing didj player is on the left?
"We do not create music; we only create the conditions so that she can appear. " - Sergiu Celibidache
We have a new turtle! ! Graciously gifted by one Carol Canterbury. Thank goodness you!
I have been missing my favorite kalimba (thumb piano) for several months. It was kind of like this but with both rows on one side. Has anyone picked it up at a jam? I really miss it and the place I got it doesn't have that type anymore. - Tasara
Sometimes I Am Victorious and Even Beautiful
Sometime I am victorious and even beautiful —
as when I go down to the pond in the half-light
and wade out not the black water,
where I unloop the taut lines from the willow stakes
and bend to the weight
and lift the trap from the water — not slowly and carefully
as in...
See you indoors at the dojo for our Medicine of the Shadows Ceremony!
Ahh... so that's what's going on. Fires up where it's pretty!!
Due to an unexpected visit from a very special being coming to my nest, this workshop has been moved to December 6th!