Kevin is doing the January Celebration of Light! Then if all goes as planned, Rilla will do February. Then if all goes well Tiffany Ann will do April! Nice to have a return of the leaders!!
okay.. had to share..
"The heart of the Keha, the turtle, is about the strongest thing there is. It keeps beating and beating for two days after you kill the turtle. There is so much strength and endurance in it. To eat such a heart makes you tough. It imparts its power to whoever has eaten of it.
My sister ate...
Release into the Beauty of Darkness, Nov 2013
OK, I think I am going to be talking on a pagan radio show about Turtle Spirit Jam next weekend. WEEEYRD!!
There is a tree/shrub planting event at Golden Gardens on Green Day!! What a way to give back to the land that we celebrate with.
Click to Nov 2nd. Turtles wanna go? I have to check my calendar.
What kind of turtle are you?
WOW. Click on "past events" and look at all that we did this summer. W-w-wow. No wonder I am ready for some dojo time.
Pre-ceremony Spirit of the Land III
It is with great sadness that I make the announcement that Tiffany Ann and Cary are moving to Spokane next month. Cary needs to be close to his sons (yay for the sons!) and has been granted the ability to telecommute, so they will be both be back a lot. Tiffany Ann will still host Turtle Spirit Jam when she can. Bot...
Look on our events page to see when we will be jamming at Flute Quest this weekend!
All I'm gonna say is....Bones is a great guy and you expect some surprises in the near future. ;)
Gorgeous additions to our album from Jared.
YES. We will be at Flutequest TWO days. :)
So there are two invites.
Photos from Alex from here.
Gorgeous video of beautiful people.
(FB rejected it because it could be copyrighted ????)