Going deeply into our creative expression is about taking hold of the courage to be beautiful.
Turtle Spirit Jam is not an event. It's a community of artists who want to bring healing through their mediums. Or spiritual people who want to connect through creative expression.
Feel free to post YOUR endeavors on the Turtle Spirit Jam page!
Turtle Invasion at OM culture this weekend!. Tomorrow at 1pm is Om Practice....I am not at a computer so I can't paste the invite...Saturday night is dream dance. There has been talk of doing a joint event with Om Culture folks so it's a good time to che k out their space. Who's in? Xxo Tasara
Thinking about Cowan Park's 2nd bridge deeper in.
Here's something about the power of drumming....and much, much more.
Thinking it might be good to do a ceremony dedicated to spiritually supporting the Idle No More movement. Before the summer is out. Thoughts?
Gary's station that he made for making/painting teeth.
OK, That Was Fantastic. We had almost 30 people there last night.
Hats off to Kim, Master and Madame of the dojo.
New Qi Gong sessions starts next week.
The Legalization of Marijuana and Turtle Spirit Jam: Clean Spaces to Invoke the Compassionate Spirits
The Hobbit Jam (Christmas aft/eve) -
See the Hobbit. Jam at Gasworks. You in?
Hey you guys, congrats to Ken as our new addition to the Turtle Spirit Jam host crew!
Maker of rain, able to hold a groove down for a paleolithic age and giver of free kittens.
His first month hosting in the dojo will be February.
Look out..
Thanks, everyone, for another wonderful, wonderful, high-powered evening of music and healing! Rilla is our next month's host and she is already dreaming on the theme. Stay tuned...
TONIGHT!! (I am passing this along from the sweet folks who have been doing the Gasworks Jam. Wish I could go!! but YOU should!)
We're hosting am early winter's drum jam & bonfire tonight at Golden Gardens Park in Shilshole on the beach tonight,
Monday, Nov. 26th.....7:45pm-8pm till the park closes at around 10:45...
I have a few spots left open in my Winter Shamanic Circle offering for Turtle Spirit Jammers who have been coming to events. Pay-what-you-can, high commitment, every other Saturday from 1:30-5:30pm starting 1/12.
My living room with the cats..and food.
Write me directly for a description. And again, thanks for yo...