SUPER CHEAP DRUMS FOR SALE: FORWARDED from the Seattle Drum Jam Yahoo List.
Drums for Drum Circle Facilitators and Drum Teachers
Mon Apr 18, 2016 2:55 pm (PDT) . Posted by: edubious4
For the past 3 years the Seattle Drum Cache has been a community resource for affordable, short-term hand drum and percussion rentals in the central Puget Sound area. My work has taken me in exciting new directions and I since I will no longer be facilitating interactive drumming experiences I am looking to sell this amazing cache of drums and the Seattle Drum Cache website.
Please contact me if you are interested in purchasing 1 or 100 drums to add to your personal cache. Visit the Specs page on the Seattle Drum Cache website to get the details on the three styles of drums that I am offering. These drums are in 'good' to 'like new' condition and are selling for more then 70% BELOW RETAIL.
The Seattle drum cache consists of nearly 200, small to medium sized, high quality djembe drums.
Durable Synthetic Drums
We have a large collection of durable, PVC djembe's with synthetic heads. These are excellent drums that offer a solid bass note and crisp, sharp tones and slaps.
Authentic African Drums
Our cache has 45, West African Ghanaian djembe's. These are authentic hand carved, rope tuned instruments.
Seattle Drum Cache
Seattle Drum Cache Call or email today to find out about the drums available FOR SALE and rental. 206-409-3363 or