Littlelight Ceremonies

- Intro and explanation to remind/introduce people to what we are doing.
- Opening grounding meditation to get into our bodies.
- Calling the directions together to open a bowl of goodness, a glade, a sweat lodge, an open sky, a cascading river from which to play. (whichever you see and feel)
- Ring the singing bowl to help us set intention. First intention might be offered or it might be personal.
- Drum and dance. When the song or wave comes to an end, someone goes to the center to:
- Ring the singing bowl. You can find or shift to a personal intention or prayer.
- Drum and dance.
- Ring the singing bowl. (REPEAT)
- ***At the end of the last song we will send all the energy out with our prayers. ****
- Goodbye and thanks to the spirits. Though they are always with us.
- Grounding to bring ourselves back into our bodies so that we can fully integrate the energies we have encountered.
- Community Announcements